If you use a ghost writer are you a writer?



“If you use a ghost writer are you a writer?” This question is nothing new and has been debated for years, and for many more years to come. Before I give my opinion, lets look at the definition of a writer. A writer, according to Dictionary.com is a person who writes books, articles, etc, esp as an occupation, a person who has written something specified, or a person who is able to write or write well. 

So technically, anyone with the capabilities of putting words on a page that is well written can be considered a writer. I’m sure, or lets at least hope, that the person who hired a ghost writer at least jotted his/her ideas down on a page somewhere, before handing it to a ghost writer. If he/she did, according to the dictionary he/she is indeed a writer. But the more important question we should be asking is, “Is he/she the author, or is the ghost writer?” I believe the latter. I believe the person hiring the ghost writer is many things, such as, an Idealist, a marketer, or even a producer, but unless he/she physically sat down and wrote the text within the book or article then he/she did not author that book or article.

Another question needs to be addressed here. “Is it morally okay to even use a ghostwriter?” For writers like me that have sat for countless hours, days, or even years pounding away at their keyboard, typewriter, or even with pen and paper immersed in a world not our own, trying desperately to tell a story, or like a mad man, trying to teach something through writing, I believe no, it is not morally right. I believe it is wrong for another person to cash in on an art form that is supposed to be about passion and emotion, about entertainment and just the pure simple love of telling a story. I believe that the only reason a person has to hire a ghost writer in the first place is because that person can’t write, and wants exposer, fame and money. I believe that all writers want almost of those things too, but there is one key difference. They actually took the time to put in the hard work and should be paid for their work. It is a scary time for writers in general. I’m afraid that the book market is becoming over saturated with marketers fresh out of college wanting to use their knowledge to make money and only money. While searching through places like YouTube, trying to hone my craft, I find myself having to weed through countless videos of people talking about outsourcing the writing part to others, and having them do the writing for them, and how they have five to ten books coming out a year. I believe it is also sad that the ghost writers themselves let others take credit for their work. All of this reminds me of the stereotypical high school jock having one of the unpopular smart kids  do their homework for them, or the smart kid giving the jock answers to a test. I don’t know about now, but in my day, it was called cheating.

So what can be done? The answer is nothing really. I believe this will keep going on for ages to come. I know that I would like to see some laws put in place where the book cover reads, Author : Insert Ghostwriters name.  Idea by :  Insert The person who hired the ghost writer. alas I know this will not happen, again I do love a good fantasy story from time to time.

In closing, I hope I didn’t tick too many people off. I just want to raise awareness of the situation, and want to assure my readers that what ever story they get from me is from me and my mind, no one else’s. It may be bad. It maybe great, but it’ll always be Korey L. Ward.

Happy Writing,

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